Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Up to date

Well my friends---
I have been writing. Mostly on long distance bus journeys. It is difficult for me to move my writing into publicly legible format, but I am trying!
          The next two posts are an effort to document the scenarios in which I've found myself the past many weeks, written quite awhile after the experiences. Since I have now shifted to a completely different country (and continent, depending on who you're talking to!) I better post these up before too much time has passed, and get on with the present! I tend to be a bit obscure in relation to my actual surroundings--the folks I meet and visit, the funny exchanges and burning images, the beds I sleep in. I'm attempting to give more emphasis to the relationships with people & place that fill the bulk of my days. The beautiful, noticed, taken-for-granted living breathing road.


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