Saturday, November 16, 2013

Up Land

Oak, hazel, ash, black poplar. Deer ferns, lady ferns, sphagnum moss forming starry pillows on the earth.
Quercus is the latin prefix for the oak genus, and I suppose our English 'cork' comes from it. Cortiço in Portuguese. Hawthorn hedgerows with their trunks pleached and growing horizontal in a tangle of trimmed branches. I would not try to climb through that. Not with graying gorse or thorns. Not through a rabbit hole would I go through those hedges. Just at the rusting gate. Hopping over, tramping through the fields.
    Wednesday evening, 3 weeks in Wales. Unbelievable. You can never tell, once you're sunk in, how deep you are. Only after emerging...but one doesn't bring a yardstick to measure these things. The only way is  to look at the old world of home and see what has changed in your reflection.


Now that I've had a relaxing hiatus from the responsibility of sharing  writing, I'll be retro-posting for a bit. I have been writing, just not on a computer!

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